TN vacation — day 4

Posted by on October 08, 2011 · 2 mins read

September 7, 2011

It was overcast and drizzly much of the day, but we still managed to get outside some. For me, this was the first full day of being on Allegra to try to fix my face pressure issue. For son, it was his first time riding in a wagon! I pulled him around in the garden wagon. We went down to the end of the road and back, and then I pulled him up and down the hill on his grandparents’ property. He loved it! Afterwards, he wanted to get out and run up and down the hill. Since it’s a great way to tire out a two year old, we did that for 20 minutes or so.

As for the Allegra, I can’t tell if it’s working, or there are other factors at play. I started taking it on advice from a doctor here. The doctor’s office was able to schedule me for a same-day appointment, even as a new patient, but it was mostly an uncomfortable and unfulfilling experience. I felt I was greeted with a generous helping of skepticism about my condition, which only improved slightly when I furnished a two page write-up from my maxillofacial expert in Orlando. Perhaps my expectations were too high as an out-of-towner.

I do feel significantly better than when we arrived here in Tennessee, but I don’t know whether that can be attributed to the Allegra, to not having the stress of work, to being outside in the fresh air in sub-80 degree temps, to being able to play and laugh with the kids, or what. I’m taking my part of this vacation a day at a time and trying hard not to do anything to aggravate my condition. It’d be amazing to drive back to Orlando feeling normal or mostly normal again. Of course, by the time this is published I’ll know whether that happened or not.

Originally published at on October 8, 2011.