New job, new commute

One of the challenges of starting a new job is figuring out unfamiliar traffic patterns. My new job with Jaunt VR takes me to downtown Palo Alto, which is a fantastic place to be. The office is a block from the train station. If only things were as simple as parking at the Mountain View…

“What VR Could, Should, and Almost Certainly Will Be Within Two Years”

Michael Abrash is a member of the virtual reality team at Valve. During this past week’s Steam Developer Days, he gave a talk entitled “What VR Could, Should, And Almost Certainly Will Be Within Two Years.”…

I love I’m using the word love here, I know, but it fills a huge hole in the Rift experience so far.

We had the good fortune of having Matt Sonic, creator of, present at the last Silicon Valley Virtual Reality meetup. Matt is a…