Jan 16 2019

Posted by on January 17, 2019 · 1 min read

Oculus Go is good but not great. It caters to an audience that isn’t me, is all. A friend at work uses his to watch movies in his bed while his wife watches the TV, and that seems to work well. For me, I watched a show in Oculus Venues — but that requires a Facebook login so I couldn’t enjoy it with my Go-owner friend who doesn’t want to create a Facebook account just for that (which I understand). I’ve tinkered with a few games and I like being able to pop it on my head and look at my 360 photos, but otherwise I don’t have a compelling use for it.

The Quest, on the other hand, will be a game changer. Low friction to getting started (pop it on your head and go), none of the wires mucky-muck, and 6DOF tracking of head and hands are all very exciting. I can’t wait to get mine and play around with some of the possibilities inside-out tracking enables.It’s even motivated me to make a serious effort in learning the basics of a game engine (I chose UE4). With hard work, I hope to be able to show something I’ve created.

Leaving tomorrow for India. I’m hoping to keep the writing going during the trip. As mentioned previously, many (most?) days the writing will be disjointed… my goal is to put something down and then try to improve over time.