Japan Planning

Where Brian realizes he probably shouldn't try to YOLO a 12 day trip to Japan

Posted by on January 23, 2024 · 1 min read

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” — Ferris Bueller

I’m traveling to Japan next Thursday (Feb 1), for 11 days. I’ve never been. This is a solo trip to celebrate a milestone. When I booked the trip last week I was 90% excited and 10% anxious. Today it’s closer to 50/50. I have a hotel in Tokyo for the first two nights to burn off jet lag, but beyond that I have absolutely nothing planned or booked – and that’s starting to weigh on me. I don’t want to marathon tour in an attempt to try to check everything off a list. Instead, I’m envisioning a slower, more reflective trip… with lots of walking and eating.

Some of you have personal experiences in Japan, so I’d love to hear your recommendations, on towns, ryokans, temples, parks, activities, restaurants, whatever! Something you’ve done personally. I see myself home-basing in Kyoto and Tokyo and then making day trips from there, but I’m extremely open to suggestions at this point.

I will be sharing lots of photos and thoughts here once I get to Japan — whether you like it or not! 🙂