12 days left in Pennsylvania

Posted by on May 02, 2009 · 2 mins read

Twelve more days left in Pennsylvania. To bring you up to speed, we:

  • Sold our house. We’re past all the important contingencies and now are teed up for closing. Since movers come and pick up all our stuff on May 13 and we won’t have a (comfortable) place to live up here after that, we’re hitting the road as soon as the stuff is gone and we’ve cleaned up a bit. Papers will be signed and notarized beforehand, and the proceeds will be wired to our Vanguard account.
  • Sold some crap. Craigslist has been very good to us. We sold two TVs, a dining room table & chairs, and a Queen Anne secretary, all without breaking a sweat. Selling through Craigslist has basically reaffirmed my belief that people are, on the whole, decent, and that it’s only a few bad seeds ruining it for the rest of us. I’m speaking generally here.
  • Leased a condo. This was covered a few posts ago. I’m a little nervous about moving into a place I’ve never set foot in, but that’s part of the adventure, right? RIGHT?
  • Sold a car. We posted the 2002 Honda Civic EX (51,000 miles) to cars.com and Craigslist last weekend and finally got a hit last night. The couple met me at my office today, liked what they saw (the car, I mean) and put down a deposit. We’ll settle the balance and do the title thing next weekend, a mere four days before we leave. Ideal timing or nightmare scenario? I’ll let you know in 8 days. ps. I’m looking forward to only insuring one car. All of this exponentially increases the probability of the BMW catching car flu in the very near future, now that it’s our only vehicle.
  • Picked a baby name. We’ve decided to call him
  • +++ATH0 **NO CARRIER**

Originally published at bbhart.com on May 2, 2009.