Adjusting to working from home

Routine is the key for my working from home

Posted by on May 22, 2009 · 1 min read

This is day three of me working from home. I’m settling in pretty well, working hard to develop discipline.

  • Shower every morning.
  • Put on clothes (as opposed to working in T-shirt and boxers). Sure, it’s only shorts & a polo, but still no different from acceptable wear in my old office
  • Have a breakfast
  • Be at my desk working at my usual time
  • Not be distracted by other possible activities like watching TV, playing games, etc.
  • Take a real lunch break, try to get out of the house for a bit
  • Try to leave work at the usual time

The nonstop Florida rains this past week have made it difficult to get out at lunchtime. Also, I worked until around 11pm last night, so I’m not necessarily leaving work at the usual time. Still, trying to settle in.

Finally, I’m finding that some simple tasks that I took for granted a few weeks ago have become tougher. I had to create this diagram when trying to get an engineer back in the office to plug my server into the correct port.

Originally published at on May 22, 2009.