Bad baby day

Adventures with our six week old

Posted by on September 23, 2009 · 1 min read

Today was our first overall bad day with the baby. He was fussy all day. You’d feed him, burp him, and set him down, and he’d start crying or making like he was still hungry. He needed LOTS of attention. Thankfully he’s resting now, but it’s 7:15p now and we’re anxious about the evening and overnight.

Overall, though, he’s doing great! He’s showing a lot of curiousity about his surroundings. He grins now, and loves to look at his mobile and crib mirror. He seems a little less upset about diaper changes, and I find him more cooperative about getting dressed. More and more he’s able to burp himself.

They grow up so fast, don’t they? It still seems unreal to me that he’ll be running around playing sports and trucks in just a few years!

Originally published at on September 23, 2009.